EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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1,844 lines
* confg.c
* Configuration program for Citadel bulletin board system.
#include "ctdl.h"
#include "math.h"
* History
* 85Dec26 HAW Add CALL-LOG define.
* 85Nov15 HAW MS-DOS library update.
* 85Oct27 HAW Kill CERMETEK.
* 85Oct17 HAW Add paramVers, change bauds to array, searchBaud chg.
* 85Oct16 HAW Kill CLOCK, add officeStuff.
* 85Aug24 HAW Add duomessage file, NETDISK specification.
* 85Jul07 HAW Update so won't go through total recon. on init.
* 85May27 HAW Start stuffing in auto-networking stuff.
* 85May22 HAW Start conversion to make log file size sysop selectable.
* 85May11 HAW Make "Lobby" sysop definable
* 85May06 HAW Add bail out code.
* 85May05 HAW Add helpDisk parameter for 3 disk system.
* 85Apr10 HAW Fix logSort, alphabetize file.
* 85Mar11 HAW Put all user functions in this file.
* 85Feb18 HAW Add baud search stuff.
* 85Jan20 HAW Use MSDOS #define for date stuff.
* 84Sep05 HAW Isolate strangeness in compiler's library. See note.
* 84Aug30 HAW Onwards to MS-DOS!
* 84Apr08 HAW Update to BDS C 1.50a begun.
* 82Nov20 CrT Created.
* Contents
* dGetWord() reads a word off disk
* init() system startup initialization
* main() main controller
* illegal() abort bottleneck
* msgInit() sets up cfg.catChar, catSect etc.
* zapMsgFile() initialize ctdlmsg.sys
* realZap() does work of zapMsgFile()
* indexRooms() build RAM index to ctdlroom.sys
* noteRoom() enter room into RAM index
* zapRoomFile() erase & re-initialize ctdlroom.sys
* setSpace() set default disk and user#
* hash() hashes a string to an integer
* logInit() builds the RAM index to CTDLLOG.SYS
* noteLog() enters a userlog record into RAM index
* sortLog() sort CTDLLOG by time since last call
* wrapup() finishes and writes ctdlTabl.sys
* zapLogFile() erases & re-initializes CTDLLOG.SYS
* Strangenesses (Hue, Jr., 12Sep84)
* Have discovered that the line:
* sscanf(line, "\"%s\"", str);
* is not parsed the same way by this compiler as it is by BDS;
* this is highly unfortunate and excrable. So, all porters
* should note that scanf() is not, in any way, "portable." If
* BDS is "non-standard", then the standard sucks.
#define BAUDS "Valid SYSBAUD values: 0=300, 1=1200, 2=2400, 3=4800,\n4=9600, 5=14.4, 6=19.2, 7=38.4, 8=57.6"
struct GenList
char *GenName;
int GenVal;
extern FILE *msgfl, *msgfl2; /* file descriptor for the msg file */
char *baseRoom;
int mailCount=0;
char msgZap = FALSE,
logZap = FALSE,
roomZap = FALSE;
char FirstInit = FALSE;
char ReInit = FALSE;
static DATA_BLOCK sectBuf;
long FloorSize;
int DefaultPrefix;
void Zap_Nodes_Message_Index(void); /* zap last netted message */
static char NetParse(char *line, int *offset, char *var, int arg, int SetVal);
extern SListBase Events; /* event list */
extern CONFIG cfg; /* The configuration variable */
extern MessageBuffer msgBuf; /* The -sole- message buffer */
extern NetBuffer netBuf;
extern rTable *roomTab; /* RAM index of rooms */
extern aRoom roomBuf; /* room buffer */
extern EVENT *EventTab;
extern int thisRoom; /* room currently in roomBuf */
extern int thisNet;
extern LogTable *logTab; /* RAM index of pippuls */
extern logBuffer logBuf; /* Log buffer of a person */
extern SListBase Serves;
extern FILE *logfl; /* log file descriptor */
extern FILE *roomfl; /* file descriptor for rooms */
extern FILE *netfl;
extern LogTable *logTab; /* RAM index of pippuls */
extern int thisLog; /* entry currently in logBuf */
extern NetTable *netTab;
void CheckNet( void );
* init()
* The master system initialization.
void init(int attended)
extern char *W_R_ANY;
extern char *R_W_ANY;
extern char *READ_ANY;
extern char *WRITE_ANY;
unsigned char c;
SYS_FILE tempName;
extern int errno, _doserrno;
cfg.sizeLTentry = sizeof(*logTab);
cfg.BoolFlags.debug = FALSE;
cfg.BoolFlags.noChat = TRUE;
/* shave-and-a-haircut/two bits pause pattern for ringing sysop: */
cfg.shave[0] = 40;
cfg.shave[1] = 20;
cfg.shave[2] = 20;
cfg.shave[3] = 40;
cfg.shave[4] = 80;
cfg.shave[5] = 40;
cfg.shave[6] =250;
/* initialize input character-translation table: */
for (c = 0; c < '\40'; c++)
cfg.filter[c] = '\0'; /* control chars -> nulls */
cfg.filter[1] = 'y'; /* fix from 3.43, carried back to this version */
cfg.filter[7] = '7';
for (c='\40'; c < 128; c++)
cfg.filter[c] = c; /* pass printing chars */
cfg.filter[SPECIAL] = SPECIAL;
cfg.filter[CNTRLl] = CNTRLl;
cfg.filter[DEL ] = BACKSPACE;
cfg.filter[XOFF ] = XOFF ;
cfg.filter[XON ] = XON ;
cfg.filter['\r' ] = NEWLINE ;
cfg.filter[CNTRLO ] = 'N' ;
makeSysName(tempName, "ctdlmsg.sys", &cfg.msgArea);
if ((msgfl = fopen(tempName, R_W_ANY)) == NULL)
if (!attended)illegal("!System must be attended(ctdlmsg.sys) for creation!");
printf(" %s not found, creating new file. \n", tempName);
if ((msgfl = fopen(tempName, W_R_ANY)) == NULL) illegal("?Can't create the message file!");
printf(" (Be sure to initialize it!)\n");
makeSysName(tempName, "ctdllog.sys", &cfg.logArea);
/* open userlog file */
if ((logfl = fopen(tempName, R_W_ANY)) == NULL)
if (!attended)illegal("!System must be attended(ctdllog.sys) for creation!");
printf(" %s not found, creating new file. \n", tempName);
if ((logfl = fopen(tempName, W_R_ANY)) == NULL) illegal("?Can't create log file!");
printf(" (Be sure to initialize it!)\n");
makeSysName(tempName, "ctdlroom.sys", &cfg.roomArea);
/* open room file */
if ((roomfl = fopen(tempName, R_W_ANY)) == NULL)
if (!attended)illegal("!System must be attended(ctdlroom.sys) for creation!");
printf(" %s not found, creating new file. \n", tempName);
if ((roomfl = fopen(tempName, W_R_ANY)) == NULL) illegal("?Can't create room file!");
printf(" (Be sure to initialize it!)\n");
if (cfg.BoolFlags.netParticipant)
makeSysName(tempName, "ctdlnet.sys", &cfg.netArea);
if ((netfl = fopen(tempName, READ_ANY)) == NULL)
printf(" %s not found, creating new file.\n", tempName);
if ((netfl = fopen(tempName, WRITE_ANY)) == NULL)illegal("?Can't create the net file!");
if (attended || FirstInit)
char cx;
printf("\n Erase and initialize log, message and/or room files?");
cx = simpleGetch();
if (FirstInit || toUpper(cx) == 'Y')
/* each of these has an additional go/no-go interrogation: */
msgZap = zapMsgFile();
roomZap = zapRoomFile();
logZap = zapLogFile();
* main()
* Main manager for confg.c.
int main(int, char **);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *fBuf, *pwdfl;
char line[90], status, *strchr(), *g;
char onlyParams = FALSE, CleanCalllog;
char var[90];
int arg;
int i, offset = 1;
extern char *READ_TEXT;
int SetVal;
if (argc > 1)
if (strCmpU(argv[1], "exists") == 0)
fBuf = fopen("exists", "w");
fprintf(fBuf, "I exist.");
cfg.paramVers = 11;
printf("%s Configurator (V%d.8) %s\n%s\n\n", VARIANT_NAME,
if (access(LOCKFILE, 0) != -1)
char cx;
"You are apparently reconfiguring from within Citadel, which is a No No!\n"
"Do you wish to continue? ");
cx = simpleGetch();
if (toUpper(cx) != 'Y')
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (strCmpU(argv[i], "onlyParams") == SAMESTRING )
onlyParams = TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(argv[i], "FirstInit") == SAMESTRING)
FirstInit = TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(argv[i], "ReInit") == SAMESTRING)
ReInit = TRUE;
else if( argv[i][0] == '-' )
switch (argv[i][1])
case 'o': /* Only Parameters */
case 'O': onlyParams = TRUE; break;
case 'F': /* First Initialization */
case 'I':
case 'f':
case 'i': FirstInit = TRUE; break;
case 'r': /* Re-Initialization */
case 'R': ReInit = TRUE; break;
fprintf(stderr,"Parameter Error, Assuming ReInit\n");
ReInit = TRUE;
else if (!sysArgs(argv[i]))
ReInit = TRUE;
cfg.weAre = CONFIGUR;
if (!(SetVal = readSysTab(FALSE, FALSE)))
cfg.sysPassword[0] = 0;
cfg.MAXLOGTAB = 0; /* Initialize, just in case */
cfg.ConTimeOut = -1; /* optional parameter */
if (onlyParams)
printf("'onlyParams' parameter ignored\n");
onlyParams = FALSE;
if (EventTab != NULL) free(EventTab);
i = cfg.BoolFlags.noChat;
cfg.BoolFlags.noChat = i;
cfg.paramVers = 11; /* yes, set it twice* */
InitBuffers(); /* initializes message buffers */
initSysSpec(); /* Call implementation specific code */
/* these are mostly optional param values */
cfg.SysopName[0] = 0;
cfg.SysopArchive[0] = 0;
strCpy(cfg.DomainDisplay, " _ %s");
cfg.InitColumns = 40;
cfg.BoolFlags.IsDoor = FALSE;
cfg.BoolFlags.NetScanBad = FALSE;
cfg.EvNumber = 0;
cfg.MailHub = 0;
cfg.DomainHandlers = 0;
CleanCalllog = FALSE;
cfg.Audit = 0;
cfg.BoolFlags.RouteMail = TRUE;
cfg.BoolFlags.DL_Default = TRUE;
cfg.AnonMailLength = 0;
cfg.LoginAttempts = 0;
cfg.MailHub = 0;
EventTab = NULL;
if ((fBuf = fopen("ctdlcnfg.sys", READ_TEXT)) == NULL)
/* ASCII mode */
printf("?Can't find ctdlCnfg.sys!\n");
while (fgets(line, 90, fBuf) != NULL)
if (line[0] != '#') continue;
if (sscanf(line, "%s %d ", var, &arg))
printf("%s", line);
if (NetParse(line, &offset, var, arg, SetVal))
else if (strCmpU(var, "#CRYPTSEED" ) == SAMESTRING)
cfg.cryptSeed = arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#MESSAGEK" ) == SAMESTRING)
cfg.maxMSector = arg*(1024/MSG_SECT_SIZE);
else if (strCmpU(var, "#LOGINOK" ) == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.unlogLoginOk= arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#ISDOOR" ) == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.IsDoor = TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#DoorPrivs") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.DoorDft = arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#FILE-PRIV-DEFAULT") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.DL_Default = arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#ENTEROK" ) == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.unlogEnterOk= arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#READOK" ) == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.unlogReadOk = arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#ROOMOK" ) == SAMESTRING)
else if (strCmpU(var, "#ALLMAIL" ) == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.noMail = !arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#UNLOGGED-WIDTH") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.InitColumns = arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#LOGIN-ATTEMPTS") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.LoginAttempts = arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#ANON-MAIL-LENGTH") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.AnonMailLength = arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#CLEAN-CALLLOG") == SAMESTRING)
CleanCalllog = TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#ANONYMOUS-SESSIONS") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.AnonSessions = TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#MIRRORMSG" ) == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.mirror = arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#LOGSIZE" ) == SAMESTRING)
if (SetVal)
if (cfg.MAXLOGTAB != arg)
"LOGSIZE parameter does not equal old value!");
cfg.MAXLOGTAB = arg;
logTab = (LogTable *)
GetDynamic(sizeof(*logTab) * arg);
else if (strCmpU(var, "#MAXROOMS" ) == SAMESTRING)
if (SetVal)
if (MAXROOMS != arg)
"MAXROOMS parameter does not equal old value!");
if (MAXROOMS <= 3)
illegal("MAXROOMS must be greater than 3!");
roomTab = (rTable *)
GetDynamic(MAXROOMS * sizeof *roomTab);
else if (strCmpU(var, "#MSG-SLOTS" ) == SAMESTRING)
if (SetVal)
if (MSGSPERRM != arg)
"MSGSPERRM parameter does not equal old value!");
else if (strCmpU(var, "#MAIL-SLOTS") == SAMESTRING)
if (SetVal)
if (MAILSLOTS != arg)
"MAILSLOTS parameter does not equal old value!");
else if (strCmpU(var, "#AIDESEEALL") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.aideSeeAll = arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#CONSOLE-TIMEOUT") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.ConTimeOut = arg;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#SYSBAUD" ) == SAMESTRING)
cfg.sysBaud = arg;
if (arg > 8 || arg < 0)
else if (strCmpU(var, "#event" ) == SAMESTRING)
offset = EatEvent(line, offset);
else if (strCmpU(var, "#nodeTitle") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[offset], TRUE);
cfg.nodeTitle = offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[offset])
else if (strCmpU(var, "#sysPassword") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, cfg.sysPassword, FALSE);
if ((pwdfl = fopen(cfg.sysPassword, READ_TEXT)) == NULL)
printf("\nNo system password file found\n");
cfg.sysPassword[0] = 0;
fgets(cfg.sysPassword, 199, pwdfl);
/* cfg.sysPassword[strLen(cfg.sysPassword) - 1] = 0;*/
while ((g = strchr(cfg.sysPassword, '\n')) != NULL)
*g = 0;
if (strLen(cfg.sysPassword) < 15)
printf("\nSystem password is too short -- ignored\n");
cfg.sysPassword[0] = 0;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#sysopName") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, msgBuf.mbtext, FALSE);
if (strLen(msgBuf.mbtext) > 19)
illegal("SysopName too long; must be less than 20");
strCpy(cfg.SysopName, msgBuf.mbtext);
else if (strCmpU(var, "#SYSOP-ARCHIVE") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, msgBuf.mbtext, FALSE);
if (strLen(msgBuf.mbtext) > sizeof cfg.SysopArchive)
sprintf(msgBuf.mbtext, "SysopName too long; must be less than %d", sizeof cfg.SysopArchive);
strCpy(cfg.SysopArchive, msgBuf.mbtext);
else if (strCmpU(var, "#baseRoom") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[offset], TRUE);
if (strLen(&cfg.codeBuf[offset]) > 19)
illegal("baseRoom too long; must be less than 20");
cfg.bRoom = offset;
baseRoom = &cfg.codeBuf[offset];
while (cfg.codeBuf[offset])
else if (strCmpU(var, "#MainFloor") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[offset], TRUE);
if (strLen(&cfg.codeBuf[offset]) > 19)
illegal("#MainFloor too long; must be less than 20");
cfg.MainFloor = offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[offset])
else if (strCmpU(var, "#alldone") == SAMESTRING)
offset = sysSpecs(line, offset, &status, fBuf);
if (!status)
printf("? -- no variable '%s' known! -- ignored.\n", var);
for (i = 0; i <= B_7; i++)
if (cfg.DialPrefixes[i] == 0)
cfg.DialPrefixes[i] = DefaultPrefix;
if (cfg.Audit == 1)
if (CleanCalllog) cfg.Audit = 2;
if (!SysDepIntegrity(&offset)) exit(100);
RunList(&Events, EvIsDoor);
printf("offset=%d\n", offset);
if (offset < MAXCODE)
if (!onlyParams) init(!ReInit);
if (cfg.BoolFlags.netParticipant)
"\7codeBuf[] overflow! Recompile with larger MAXCODE or reduce ctdlCnfg.sys\7"
return 0;
* readString()
* This function reads a '#<id> "<value>" since scanf can't.
void readString(char *source, char *destination, char doProc)
char string[300], last = 0;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; source[i] != '"' && source[i]; i++)
if (!source[i])
sPrintf(string, "Couldn't find beginning \" in -%s-", source);
for (j = 0, i++; source[i] &&
(source[i] != '"' || (doProc && last == '\\'));
i++, j++)
string[j] = source[i];
last = source[i];
if (!source[i])
sPrintf(string, "Couldn't find ending \" in -%s-", source);
string[j] = '\0';
strCpy(destination, string);
if (doProc) xlatfmt(destination);
* isoctal() * xlatfmt()
* contributed by Dale Schumacher, allow embedding of formatting info a la'
* "C" style: \n, \t, etc....
char isoctal( int c )
return (char)(( c >= '0' ) && ( c <= '7' ));
void xlatfmt( char *s )
register char *p, *q;
register int i;
for( p=q=s; *q; ++q )
if ( *q == '\\' )
switch( *++q )
case 'n' :
*p++ = '\n';
case 't' :
*p++ = '\t';
case 'r' :
*p++ = '\r';
case 'f' :
*p++ = '\f';
default :
if ( isoctal( *q ))
i = (( *q++ ) - '0' );
if ( isoctal( *q ))
i <<= 3;
i += (( *q++ ) - '0' );
if ( isoctal( *q ))
i <<= 3;
i += (*q -'0');
*p++ = 0xFF & ((char) i);
*p++ = *q;
*p++ = *q;
*p = '\0';
* illegal()
* This will print out configure error message and aborts.
void illegal(char *errorstring)
printf("\007\nERROR IN CONFIGURATION:\n%s\nABORTING", errorstring);
* dGetWord()
* This fetches one word from current message, off disk, returns TRUE if more
* words follow, else FALSE.
char dGetWord(char *dest, int lim)
char c;
--lim; /* play it safe */
/* pick up any leading blanks: */
for (c = getMsgChar(); c == ' ' && c && lim; c = getMsgChar())
if (lim)
*dest++ = c; lim--;
/* step through word: */
for ( ; c != ' ' && c && lim; c = getMsgChar())
if (lim)
*dest++ = c; lim--;
/* trailing blanks: */
for ( ; c == ' ' && c && lim; c = getMsgChar())
if (lim)
*dest++ = c; lim--;
if (c) unGetMsgChar(c); /* took one too many */
*dest = '\0'; /* tie off string */
return c;
* msgInit()
* This sets up lowId, highId, cfg.catSector and cfg.catChar, by scanning over
* ctdlmsg.sys.
void msgInit()
MSG_NUMBER first, here;
CheckPoint Cpt;
FILE *fd;
extern struct mBuf mFile1;
if ((fd = fopen(CHECKPT, READ_ANY)) != NULL)
fread(&Cpt, sizeof Cpt, 1, fd);
if (findMessage(Cpt.loc, Cpt.ltnewest, TRUE))
printf("message# %s\r", msgBuf.mbId);
while (dGetWord(msgBuf.mbtext, MAXTEXT));
cfg.catSector = mFile1.thisSector;
cfg.catChar = mFile1.thisChar;
cfg.newest = atol(msgBuf.mbId);
getMessage(getMsgChar, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
while (atol(msgBuf.mbId) >= Cpt.ltnewest);
cfg.oldest = atol(msgBuf.mbId);
printf("\n\noldest=%lu\n", cfg.oldest);
printf("newest=%lu\n", cfg.newest);
startAt(msgfl, &mFile1, 0, 0);
getMessage(getMsgChar, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
/* get the ID# */
first = atol(msgBuf.mbId);
printf("message# %lu\n", first);
cfg.newest = cfg.oldest = first;
cfg.catSector = mFile1.thisSector;
cfg.catChar = mFile1.thisChar;
for (getMessage(getMsgChar, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
here = atol(msgBuf.mbId), here != first;
getMessage(getMsgChar, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))
printf("message# %lu\r", here);
if (strCmpU("Mail", msgBuf.mbroom) == 0) mailCount++;
/* find highest and lowest message IDs: */
if (here < cfg.oldest && here != 0l)
cfg.oldest = here;
if (here > cfg.newest)
cfg.newest = here;
/* read rest of message in and remember where it ends, */
/* in case it turns out to be the last message */
/* in which case, that's where to start writing next message*/
while (dGetWord(msgBuf.mbtext, MAXTEXT));
cfg.catSector = mFile1.thisSector;
cfg.catChar = mFile1.thisChar;
printf("\n\noldest=%lu\n", cfg.oldest);
printf("newest=%lu\n", cfg.newest);
* zapMsgFile()
* This function initializes ctdlmsg.sys.
char zapMsgFile()
extern char *W_R_ANY;
char cx, fn[80];
if (!FirstInit)
printf("\nDestroy all current messages? ");
cx = simpleGetch();
if (toUpper(cx) != 'Y') return FALSE;
if (cfg.BoolFlags.mirror) printf("Creating primary message file.\n");
if( realZap() )
if (cfg.BoolFlags.mirror)
makeSysName(fn, "ctdlmsg.sys", &cfg.msg2Area);
if ((msgfl = fopen(fn, W_R_ANY)) == NULL)
illegal("?Can't create the secondary message file!");
printf("Creating secondary message file.\n");
return TRUE;
* realZap()
* This does the work of zapMsgFile.
char realZap()
int i;
unsigned long sect;
/* put null message in first sector... */
sectBuf[0] = 0xFF; /* \ */
sectBuf[1] = '1'; /* > Message ID "1" MS-DOS style */
sectBuf[2] = '\0'; /* / */
sectBuf[3] = 'M'; /* \ Null messsage */
sectBuf[4] = '\0'; /* / */
cfg.newest = cfg.oldest = 1l;
cfg.catSector = 0;
cfg.catChar = 5;
for (i=5; i<MSG_SECT_SIZE; i++) sectBuf[i] = 0;
crypte(sectBuf, MSG_SECT_SIZE, 0); /* encrypt */
if (fwrite(sectBuf, MSG_SECT_SIZE, 1, msgfl) != 1)
printf("zapMsgFil: write failed\n");
return FALSE;
crypte(sectBuf, MSG_SECT_SIZE, 0); /* decrypt */
sectBuf[0] = 0;
crypte(sectBuf, MSG_SECT_SIZE, 0); /* encrypt */
printf("\n%d sectors to be cleared\n", cfg.maxMSector);
for (sect = 1l; sect < cfg.maxMSector; sect++)
printf("%07.7lu\r", sect);
if (fwrite(sectBuf, MSG_SECT_SIZE, 1, msgfl) != 1)
printf("zapMsgFil: write failed\n");
return FALSE;
Zap_Nodes_Message_Index(); /* zap last netted message */
crypte(sectBuf, MSG_SECT_SIZE, 0); /* decrypt */
return TRUE;
* indexRooms()
* This will build a RAM index to CTDLROOM.SYS, displays stats.
void indexRooms()
int shared_room_count;
int goodRoom, m, roomCount, slot, WriteIt;
roomBuf.rbgen = 0;
roomBuf.rbname[0] = 0;
roomBuf.rbShareType = 0;
shared_room_count = 0;
for (m = 0; m < MSGSPERRM; m++)
roomBuf.msg[m].rbmsgNo = 0l;
roomBuf.msg[m].rbmsgLoc = 0;
strCpy(roomBuf.rbname, "Mail");
roomBuf.rbflags.PUBLIC =
roomBuf.rbflags.PERMROOM =
roomBuf.rbflags.INUSE = TRUE;
roomCount = 0;
for (slot = 0; slot < MAXROOMS; slot++)
printf("Checking room #%3d: ", slot);
WriteIt = FALSE;
if (roomBuf.rbflags.INUSE == 1)
WriteIt = TRUE;
roomBuf.rbflags.INUSE = 0; /* clear "inUse" flag */
if (roomBuf.rbFlIndex >= (int) FloorSize)
roomBuf.rbFlIndex = 0;
for (m = 0, goodRoom = FALSE; m < MSGSPERRM && !goodRoom; m++)
if (roomBuf.msg[m].rbmsgNo > cfg.oldest)
goodRoom = TRUE;
if (goodRoom || roomBuf.rbflags.PERMROOM == 1)
roomBuf.rbflags.INUSE = 1;
if (roomBuf.rbflags.INUSE == 1)
if (slot == 0) /* Ugly kludge */
strCpy(roomBuf.rbname, baseRoom);
(roomBuf.rbflags.INUSE == 1) ? roomBuf.rbname : "<not in use>");
if (WriteIt)
if (roomBuf.rbflags.INUSE && roomBuf.rbflags.SHARED)
roomTab[slot].rtlastNet = findHighestNative();
else roomTab[slot].rtlastNet = 0l;
if( SHARED_ROOMS < shared_room_count )
fprintf(stderr,"***Serious Error***\n");
fprintf(stderr," You have #SHARED-ROOMS %d in the ctdlcnfg.sys\n",SHARED_ROOMS);
fprintf(stderr," There are %d rooms marked shared\n",shared_room_count);
fprintf(stderr," Immediately, run DATACHNG and increase your number of shared rooms above %d\n",SHARED_ROOMS);
fprintf(stderr," You might trash your system if you don't\n");
illegal("Fatal Error");
printf("\n %d of %d rooms in use\n", roomCount, MAXROOMS);
* findHighestNative()
* This finds the highest native message in a room.
MSG_NUMBER findHighestNative()
int rover;
MSG_NUMBER ourHighest;
theMessages *temp;
temp = (theMessages *) GetDynamic(MSG_BULK);
copy_ptr(roomBuf.msg, temp, MSGSPERRM);
qsort(temp, MSGSPERRM, sizeof temp[0], msgSort);
ourHighest = 0l;
for (rover = 0; rover < MSGSPERRM; rover++)
if (temp[rover].rbmsgNo != 0l &&
temp[rover].rbmsgNo >= cfg.oldest &&
temp[rover].rbmsgNo <= cfg.newest &&
cfindMessage(temp[rover].rbmsgLoc, temp[rover].rbmsgNo))
if (strCmpU(msgBuf.mbaddr, R_SH_MARK) == SAMESTRING ||
strCmpU(msgBuf.mbaddr, NON_LOC_NET) == SAMESTRING)
ourHighest = temp[rover].rbmsgNo;
return ourHighest;
* msgSort()
* This function sorts messages by their native msg id.
int msgSort(theMessages *s1, theMessages *s2)
if (s1->rbmsgNo < s2->rbmsgNo) return 1;
if (s1->rbmsgNo > s2->rbmsgNo) return -1;
return 0;
* noteRoom()
* This function will enter room into RAM index array.
void noteRoom()
int i;
last = 0l;
for (i = 0; i < MSGSPERRM; i++)
if (roomBuf.msg[i].rbmsgNo > cfg.newest)
roomBuf.msg[i].rbmsgNo = 0l;
if (roomBuf.msg[i].rbmsgNo > last)
last = roomBuf.msg[i].rbmsgNo;
roomTab[thisRoom].rtlastMessage = last ;
roomTab[thisRoom].rtShareType = roomBuf.rbShareType;
strCpy(roomTab[thisRoom].rtname, roomBuf.rbname) ;
roomTab[thisRoom].rtgen = roomBuf.rbgen ;
roomTab[thisRoom].rtFlIndex = roomBuf.rbFlIndex;
copy_struct(roomBuf.rbflags, roomTab[thisRoom].rtflags);
* zapRoomFile()
* This function erases and re-initializes CTDLROOM.SYS.
char zapRoomFile()
int i;
char cx;
if (!FirstInit)
printf("\nWipe room file? ");
cx = simpleGetch();
if (toUpper(cx) != 'Y') return FALSE;
roomBuf.rbgen = 0;
roomBuf.rbname[0] = 0; /* unnecessary -- but I like it... */
for (i = 0; i < MSGSPERRM; i++)
roomBuf.msg[i].rbmsgNo = 0l;
roomBuf.msg[i].rbmsgLoc = 0 ;
printf("maxrooms=%d\n", MAXROOMS);
for (thisRoom = 0; thisRoom < MAXROOMS; thisRoom++)
printf("clearing room %d\r", thisRoom);
/* Lobby> always exists -- guarantees us a place to stand! */
thisRoom = 0 ;
strCpy(roomBuf.rbname, baseRoom) ;
roomBuf.rbflags.PERMROOM = TRUE;
roomBuf.rbflags.PUBLIC = TRUE;
roomBuf.rbflags.INUSE = TRUE;
/* Mail> is also permanent... */
thisRoom = MAILROOM ;
strCpy(roomBuf.rbname, "Mail") ;
/* Don't bother to copy flags, they remain the same (right?) */
/* Aide> also... */
thisRoom = AIDEROOM ;
strCpy(roomBuf.rbname, "Aide") ;
roomBuf.rbflags.PERMROOM = TRUE;
roomBuf.rbflags.PUBLIC = FALSE;
roomBuf.rbflags.INUSE = TRUE;
return TRUE;
* logInit()
* This function indexes ctdllog.sys.
void logInit()
int i;
int count = 0;
#ifdef IS_RIGHT
if (rewind(logfl) != 0) illegal("Rewinding logfl failed!");
/* clear logTab */
for (i = 0; i < cfg.MAXLOGTAB; i++) logTab[i].ltnewest = 0l;
/* load logTab: */
for (thisLog = 0; thisLog < cfg.MAXLOGTAB; thisLog++)
printf("log #%04d", thisLog);
getLog(&logBuf, thisLog);
/* count valid entries: */
if (logBuf.lbflags.L_INUSE == 1)
printf("%-25s \r", logBuf.lbname);
else printf("%-25s \r","<not in use>");
/* copy relevant info into index: */
logTab[thisLog].ltnewest = logBuf.lbvisit[0];
logTab[thisLog].ltlogSlot= thisLog;
if (logBuf.lbflags.L_INUSE == 1)
logTab[thisLog].ltnmhash = hash(logBuf.lbname);
logTab[thisLog].ltpwhash = hash(logBuf.lbpw );
logTab[thisLog].ltpermanent = logBuf.lbflags.PERMANENT;
logTab[thisLog].ltnmhash = 0;
logTab[thisLog].ltpwhash = 0;
printf("\n logInit--%d valid log entries\n", count);
printf("sort Log...\n");
qsort(logTab, cfg.MAXLOGTAB, cfg.sizeLTentry, logSort);
* logSort()
* This function Sorts 2 entries in logTab.
int logSort(LogTable *s1, LogTable *s2)
if (s1->ltnmhash == 0 && s2->ltnmhash == 0) return 0;
if (s1->ltnmhash == 0 && s2->ltnmhash != 0) return 1;
if (s1->ltnmhash != 0 && s2->ltnmhash == 0) return -1;
if (s1->ltnewest < s2->ltnewest) return 1;
if (s1->ltnewest > s2->ltnewest) return -1;
return 0;
* noteLog()
* This notes a logTab entry in RAM buffer in master index.
void noteLog()
int i, slot;
/* figure out who it belongs between: */
for (i = 0; logTab[i].ltnewest > logBuf.lbvisit[0]; i++);
/* note location and open it up: */
slot = i;
slideLTab(slot, cfg.MAXLOGTAB-1);
/* insert new record */
logTab[slot].ltnewest = logBuf.lbvisit[0] ;
logTab[slot].ltlogSlot = thisLog ;
logTab[slot].ltpwhash = hash(logBuf.lbpw) ;
logTab[slot].ltnmhash = hash(logBuf.lbname);
* slideLTab()
* This function slides bottom N slots in logTab down. For sorting.
void slideLTab(int slot, int last)
int i;
/* open slot up: (movmem isn't guaranteed on overlaps) */
for (i = last - 1; i >= slot; i--)
movmem(&logTab[i], &logTab[i + 1], cfg.sizeLTentry);
* wrapup()
* This finishes up and writes ctdlTabl.sys out, finally.
void wrapup(char onlyParams)
printf("\ncreating ctdlTabl.sys table\n");
if (!onlyParams)
if (!msgZap) msgInit();
if (!roomZap) indexRooms();
cfg.weAre = CITADEL;
if (!logZap) logInit();
if (mailCount)
printf("%d of the messages were Mail\n", mailCount);
EventTab = (EVENT *) GetDynamic(cfg.EvNumber * sizeof *EventTab);
if (!FinalSystemCheck(onlyParams)) exit(2);
if (!onlyParams)
if (cfg.BoolFlags.netParticipant)
RunList(&Events, EventWrite); /* because we keep this in a linked list */
printf("writeSysTab = %d\n", writeSysTab());
* zapLogFile()
* This erases & re-initializes ctdllog.sys.
char zapLogFile()
int i;
char cx;
if (!FirstInit)
printf("\nWipe out log file? ");
cx = simpleGetch();
if (toUpper(cx) != 'Y') return FALSE;
/* clear RAM buffer out: */
logBuf.lbflags.L_INUSE = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < MAILSLOTS; i++)
logBuf.lbMail[i].rbmsgLoc = 0l;
logBuf.lbMail[i].rbmsgNo = 0l;
for (i = 0; i < NAMESIZE; i++)
logBuf.lbname[i] = 0;
logBuf.lbpw[i] = 0;
/* write empty buffer all over file; */
for (i = 0; i < cfg.MAXLOGTAB; i++)
printf("Clearing log #%d\r", i);
putLog(&logBuf, i);
logTab[i].ltnewest = logBuf.lbvisit[0];
logTab[i].ltlogSlot= i;
logTab[i].ltnmhash = hash(logBuf.lbname);
logTab[i].ltpwhash = hash(logBuf.lbpw );
return TRUE;
* netInit()
* This will Initialize RAM index for Ctdlnet.sys.
void netInit()
label temp;
int i = 0;
long length;
if (!cfg.BoolFlags.netParticipant) return;
totalBytes(&length, netfl);
cfg.netSize = (int) (length / NB_TOTAL_SIZE);
if (cfg.netSize)
netTab = (NetTable *) GetDynamic(sizeof (*netTab) * cfg.netSize);
netTab = NULL;
while (i < cfg.netSize)
getNet(i, &netBuf);
netTab[i].netTRooms = (SharedRoom *)
GetDynamic(sizeof (*netBuf.netRooms) * SHARED_ROOMS);
normId(netBuf.netId, temp);
netTab[i].ntnmhash = hash(netBuf.netName);
netTab[i].ntidhash = hash(temp);
strCpy(netTab[i].ntShort, netBuf.nbShort);
copy_struct(netBuf.nbflags, netTab[i].ntflags);
movmem(netBuf.netRooms, netTab[i].netTRooms,
sizeof *netBuf.netRooms * SHARED_ROOMS);
netTab[i].ntMemberNets = netBuf.MemberNets;
printf("System %3d. %s\n", i,
(netBuf.nbflags.in_use) ? netBuf.netName : "<not in use>");
if (cfg.MailHub != 0)
if (searchNameNet(cfg.MailHub + cfg.codeBuf, &netBuf) == -1)
illegal("Your #MailHub node was not found in your CtdlNet.Sys.");
if (netBuf.nbRoute != -1 &&
netTab[netBuf.nbRoute].ntGen == netBuf.nbRouteGen)
illegal("You must have a direct connect to your #MailHub.");
* strCmpU()
* This is strcmp(), but ignoring case distinctions. Found in most C libraries
* as stricmp(). Someday we should switch over.
int strCmpU(char s[], char t[])
int i;
i = 0;
while (toUpper(s[i]) == toUpper(t[i]))
if (s[i++] == '\0') return SAMESTRING ;
return toUpper(s[i]) - toUpper(t[i]);
* crashout()
* This handles a fatal error, for library functions.
void crashout(char *str)
* cfindMessage()
* This function gets all set up to do something with a message.
char cfindMessage(SECTOR_ID loc, MSG_NUMBER id)
long atol();
extern struct mBuf mFile1;
startAt(msgfl, &mFile1, loc, 0);
getMessage(getMsgChar, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
here = atol(msgBuf.mbId);
while (here != id && mFile1.thisSector == loc);
return (char)((here == id));
* CheckFloors()
* This function will check the floors.
void CheckFloors()
SYS_FILE tempName;
FILE *flrfl;
struct floor FloorBuf;
struct floor *fptr;
extern char *R_W_ANY, *WRITE_ANY;
int rover, cindex;
int flag;
char *cptr;
makeSysName(tempName, "ctdlflr.sys", &cfg.floorArea);
if ((flrfl = fopen(tempName, R_W_ANY)) == NULL)
printf(" %s not found, creating new file.\n", tempName);
if ((flrfl = fopen(tempName, WRITE_ANY)) == NULL)
illegal("?Can't create the floor file!");
/** create initial floor entry **/
strCpy(FloorBuf.FlName, cfg.codeBuf + cfg.MainFloor);
FloorBuf.FlInuse = TRUE;
memset(FloorBuf.FlModerator, '\0',sizeof(label));
/** write floor creation entry **/
if( fwrite(&FloorBuf, sizeof FloorBuf, 1, flrfl) != 1)
printf("Write Error: %s\n",tempName);
totalBytes(&FloorSize, flrfl);
FloorSize /= sizeof FloorBuf;
printf("Current Floor file size is %ld entries\n",FloorSize);
/* strip unused records */
if ((flrfl = fopen(tempName, READ_ANY)) == NULL)
illegal("?Can't read the floor file!");
fptr = (struct floor *)malloc(FloorSize * sizeof(struct floor) );
/* get buffer for whole file */
if( fptr == NULL )
illegal(" cannot allocate memory for a floor file!");
/* read whole file */
if( fread( fptr, sizeof(struct floor), FloorSize, flrfl) != FloorSize )
illegal("Unable to read floor file!");
/* Now, we know that there is at least one good record so we
check from the end until we find a record in use
flag = TRUE;
for( rover = 0; rover < FloorSize && fptr[rover].FlInuse == TRUE; rover++)
/* validate that the Name are alpha characters and
printable. Also test to see if In use.
cptr = &fptr[rover].FlModerator[0];
if( ( *cptr >= 'a' && *cptr <= 'z' ) || ( *cptr >= 'A' && *cptr <= 'Z' ) )
printf("%20s is moderator for %s\n",fptr[rover].FlModerator,fptr[rover].FlName);
for( cindex = 0; cindex <20 ; cindex++)
cptr[cindex] = '\0';
FloorSize = rover;
printf("New Floor file size is %ld entries\n",FloorSize);
if ((flrfl = fopen(tempName, W_R_ANY)) == NULL)
illegal("?Can't Open the floor file to re-write!");
if( fwrite(fptr, sizeof(struct floor), FloorSize, flrfl) != FloorSize)
printf("Write Error: %s\n",tempName);
* CheckNet()
* This creates the Ctdlnet.sys if needed.
void CheckNet()
SYS_FILE tempName;
makeSysName(tempName, "ctdlnet.sys", &cfg.netArea);
if ((netfl = fopen(tempName, READ_ANY)) == NULL)
printf(" %s not found, creating new file.\n", tempName);
if ((netfl = fopen(tempName, WRITE_ANY)) == NULL)
illegal("?Can't create the net file!");
* NetParse()
* This function is responsible for parsing the network parameters.
static char NetParse(char *line, int *offset, char *var, int arg, int SetVal)
char temp[100];
if (strCmpU(var, "#NewNetPrivs") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.NetDft = arg;
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#RouteMail") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.RouteMail = arg;
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#SCAN-NET-MESSAGES") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.NetScanBad = TRUE;
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#SHARED-ROOMS") == SAMESTRING)
if (SetVal)
if (SHARED_ROOMS != arg && cfg.netSize != 0)
"SHARED-ROOMS parameter does not equal old value!");
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#NETWORK" ) == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.netParticipant = arg;
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#LONG-HAUL" ) == SAMESTRING)
cfg.BoolFlags.longHaul = arg;
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#NET_AREA_SIZE") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.sizeArea = arg;
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#MAX_NET_FILE") == SAMESTRING)
cfg.maxFileSize = arg;
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#callOutSuffix") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], TRUE);
cfg.netSuffix = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset])
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#callOutPrefix") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], TRUE);
DefaultPrefix = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset])
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#DialOut300") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], TRUE);
cfg.DialPrefixes[ONLY_300] = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset])
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#DialOut1200") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], TRUE);
cfg.DialPrefixes[BOTH_300_1200] = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset])
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#DialOut2400") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], TRUE);
cfg.DialPrefixes[TH_3_12_24] = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset])
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#DialOut4800") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], TRUE);
cfg.DialPrefixes[B_4] = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset])
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#DialOut9600") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], TRUE);
cfg.DialPrefixes[B_5] = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset])
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#DialOut14400") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], TRUE);
cfg.DialPrefixes[B_6] = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset])
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#DialOut19200") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], TRUE);
cfg.DialPrefixes[B_7] = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset])
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#nodeName" ) == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], FALSE);
if (strLen(&cfg.codeBuf[*offset]) > 19)
illegal("nodeName too long; must be less than 20");
if (strchr(&cfg.codeBuf[*offset], '_') != NULL ||
strchr(&cfg.codeBuf[*offset], '.') != NULL)
illegal("The characters '.' and '_' are illegal in node names!");
cfg.nodeName = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset]) /* step over string */
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#nodeId" ) == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], FALSE);
if (strLen(&cfg.codeBuf[*offset]) > 19)
illegal("nodeId too long; must be less than 20");
cfg.nodeId = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset]) /* step over string */
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#MailHub" ) == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], FALSE);
if (strLen(&cfg.codeBuf[*offset]) > 19)
illegal("MailHub too long; must be less than 20");
cfg.MailHub = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset]) /* step over string */
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#DomainDisplay") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, cfg.DomainDisplay, FALSE);
if (strLen(cfg.DomainDisplay) >= sizeof cfg.DomainDisplay)
illegal("DomainDisplay is too long, must be less than 11");
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#nodeDomain") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, &cfg.codeBuf[*offset], FALSE);
if (strLen(&cfg.codeBuf[*offset]) > 19)
illegal("nodeDomain too long; must be less than 20");
if (strchr(cfg.codeBuf + *offset, '_') != NULL ||
strchr(cfg.codeBuf + *offset, '.') != NULL)
illegal("Domain names cannot have '_' or '.' in them.");
cfg.nodeDomain = *offset;
while (cfg.codeBuf[*offset]) /* step over string */
return TRUE;
else if (strCmpU(var, "#ServeDomain") == SAMESTRING)
readString(line, temp, FALSE);
if (strLen(temp) > 19)
illegal("ServeDomain value is too long, must be less than 19 characters.");
AddData(&Serves, strdup(temp), NULL, FALSE);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void Zap_Nodes_Message_Index() /* zap last netted message */
int node, slot;
for(node = 0; node < cfg.netSize; node++)
if( !netTab[node].ntflags.in_use )continue;
for( slot=0; slot < SHARED_ROOMS; slot++)
if( !roomTab[netTabRoomSlot(node, slot)].rtflags.SHARED)continue;
netTab[node].netTRooms[slot].lastMess = 0;
netBuf.netRooms[slot].lastMess = 0;